Something needs to be pointed out here, and it's this. Kestrels happens at Easter. Easter is not in the summer. Hence, Kestrels is not always as warm and sunny as Mallards. But it can be. Apparently though, the first time I went on Kestrels (i.e. 1998) was (in terms of weather) the worst one for years. See all the puddles along the bank here? They're not puddles. That's the river. What's the usual cause of rivers being several feet higher than normal? Answers on a soggy postcard...
I'm not trying to put you off going, by the way. Look at Delbert. See how happy he is. You just can't fake that if you're really miserable. Unless someone put something in his tea. It's always possible.
Behold the only known photographic record of a rare event. Continuing in the tradition of the Loch Ness monster photos and the Sasquatch film footage this picture is typically small and unclear, but trust me, it's genuine. Alex (and crew) almost getting extremely stuck in a tree, of all things. That's Alex in the tree (don't ask), and Dan wielding the quantpole with every ounce of strength in his being.
Some people, on a boat, yesterday. What do you mean, a two year old could write these captions? How dare you. I happen to be an extremely underpaid professional writer. I won my class spelling bee three times in a row once, I'll have you know.
Phil and Hannah smile for the camera, little knowing that an intergalactic monster in the form of an innocent mug hangs threateningly over Phil's head! Will his mighty "Hat 'O Power" be enough to save them both?
This is Clare. Clare is a secondary school teacher living in Surrey. Her interests include sailing and Japanese theatre. Sorry Clare, but if you're daft enough to mash your face against a window in front of someone holding a camera, then you can't expect them not to digitise the image and post it on the internet with your name next to it, can you?
Although he's mentioned a lot in these pages, there aren't actually that many close up pictures of Alex. Here he is on the left, finding a novel use for a jug (I'm told he's drinking tea from it). Also pictured to Alex's left are Ed and Rob.
The mud! Look at the mud! Fear for the interior cleanliness of boats everywhere! David does his 'Action Man' pose on the moorings at How Hill, while Dan gets on with some serious boat stuff.
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