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What these pics don't show is that we kept this formation going from Irstead to Ludham. At Ludham, Sorrel and Violet shot the bridge, and we went down the rest of the Ant two abreast. Unfortunately we didn't have a helicopter to take a shot of the 18 cruisers who were trying to pass by this point. Result!!

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This photo was entitled 'Bilge 2002', so I'm guessing it's a crew shot.

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Many more people in cruise photo shocker! Thanks to Laura for the picture (you can just see her grinning at the back).

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Andy T is kindly being catered for by his innocent mate and crew. They offer him a slice. 'Not done' is the curt reply. Fine then, we'll cook a well done slice. You wouldn't dare, taunts the skipper naively.. We burn the toast to a pleasant shade of black, and then add the cheese. At this stage, Andy decides to intervene. Emma and me have our feet wedged securely across the grill, and when Andy attempts to remove the toast from its inferno, Matt picks up the skipper, and swings him gently over the pleasant waters of Barton. Until we are sure that the toast is cooked properly.

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Some skippers, er.. relaxing. From left, Andy, Ed, Tore, Carol, with Liz lounging across them and Richard sat at the front.

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The ancient art of quantwalking, as demonstrated by Laura and Rachel. Rob doesn't look too impressed, though.

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Mark and Andy mastering the fine art of being on a boat, and looking cool. Future skipper material here, no doubt.

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Rachel and Rob, trying to sail quickly under the camera.

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Tore 'jamming' on the way to Barton Broad. He's the man. Word.

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"When nine hundred years old YOU reach, look as good you will not. Mmmm? Mmm! Heh heh heh heh heh..." Mark does a startlingly convincing Yoda impression.

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