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Normally quiet and peaceful Commy Linda gets let loose at the helm of a half decker, and transforms into a demon sailor with a glint of chaos in her eye! The rest of the crew look on, grinning with terror.

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Lizard boy sighted in Norfolk! Actually it's just John looking through the doors to the cabin, but weird eh?

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Carol's boat, expertly helmed by Andy there.

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Ed's boat on a broad somewhere. (We apologise for the vagueness of these captions, it's just that it's been a long time since the cruise and we've forgotten quite a bit).

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Phil models the latest in matching sunglasses and teeth combos. Nice, Phil.

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Some of the boats pause East of Potter Heigham bridge to sort out their rigging and whatnot.

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Rafted up on South Walsham broad. Lunchtime, probably.

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Ed sups his cuppa while (caption discontinued due to legal reasons).

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Tori, Caroline and John leer at the camera from the stern of a half decker. John spent the whole week trying to sink that boat. He got his just desserts later mind...

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A shot of the South Walsham raft again, with a wherry in the background.

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